Declarations according to Art. 5 TMG

(if applicable; applicability of TMG disputed)

German Asset Managers AG
Bettinastr. 30
60325 Frankfurt

Representative body

Carsten Straush, President of GAMAG group of companies


Telefon: +49 69 97461134
Telefax: +49 69 97461159


German company register with the Frankfurt courts
Court: Amtsgericht Frankfurt (1st instance civil court; registration division)
Registration number: HRB 46366


Liabilities with respect to content

The companies forming the GAMAG group of companies are exclusively working in the space of capital transfer. They do not produce stuff or offer services for payment. Thus by our understanding of TMG, Telemediengesetz, the German online media law, the GAMAG companies do not fall under the realm of TMG as they are no service providers (Diensteanbieter) within the meaning of that law.  If to the contrary German Asset Managers AG would be classified as a service provider within the meaning of said law we could be reliable according to Art. 7 sec. 1 TMG for information on the pages of our website according to gerneral laws. According to Articles 8 to 10 TMG we still would not be oblieged to survey or store information provided by third parties or users regards illegal activities of such parties. Our obligations to delete oder hinder the use of information provided based on general laws could possibly remain. An obligation to act may only be assumed after information of a violation is provided beforehand to us. If we are informed of a violation of the law and applicability of TMG is given we will delete disputed content.

Liabilities with respect to links

Our website contains links to third party websites whereas the information displayed on such websites is out of our reach. We decline and reject all responsibilities with regard to such information displayed on third party websites or with regard to any information a user of such websites may use and the potential losses he or she might incur using such information. Only the providers of such websites are responsible for such content. Links to third party websites have been checked with regard to possible violations and no illegal activities found. A permanent control of links or the content of linked pages or websites is unreasonable without concrete facts hinting to a possible violation. Should we by hint get knowledge of illegal activities on third party pages we will delete the relevant link. Further rights are rejected and the user of this website accepts this by use of the site.

Copyright laws

The complete website is protected under German copyright law. Copying,distribution or any other kind of use if not explicitly allowed according to copyright law is prohibited without written permission by the author and the provider.  Downloads and copies of pages of this website are exclusively permitted for non-commercial purposes. Third party copyrights have been abided by in as far as third party content is displayed. Should you experience a violation of copyrights we ask for a hint. Should there be any violations we will instantly delete such content.

Financial markets and banking law

Non of the information provided is intended to be distributed to US, Canadian oder Japanese citizens. Non of the securities provided is registered with any authority outside the EU. Especially there is no registration with the SEC. The enterprises of GAMAG group of companies are no banks or financial institutions. They do not provide any kind of financial services or banking services and do not fall under the regulations of the EU MiFID (markets in financial instruments) directive or the banking directive and the relevant national laws. Especially no entity of the group is a bank or financial service provider within the meaning of the German banking law (KWG) and specifically does not offer any kind of investment advisory services, portfolio management services and are not buying and selling financial instruments in the name of clients and do not provide market making services. All companies forming GAMAG group restrict their activities with regards to financial instruments to proprietary trading for the name of the respective GAMAG company itself. Further these companies offer securities issued by themselves to the public an activity which too does not constitute a regulated activity under banking or financial market laws. No content on this website or a link to or from this webiste may be understood as an offer of financial services, banking services or paid services at all within whatever definition of such terms.  The content provided with regard to securities offered and issued by GAMAG companies is restricted to investors residing within the EU which may buy such securities. For further information regards selling/buying restrictions we refer you the relevant disclosures on the buy+sell pages.